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West Tennessee Anti-Drug Coalition

Contact: Dianne Sherrod


My Story...

My name is Dianne Sherrod and I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict.  I was raised in southwest Tennessee by my parents who were married for 50 years and never touched an illegal drug in their life.  The only alcohol they ever drank came from the grapes my father fermented into wine for our church to partake of the Lord’s Supper every spring and fall.  I took my first drink at age 13 and my first drug at age 30.  My story is much like many others who have been plagued with addiction; and unlike many others, I have the opportunity to share my story with you.


I’ve been clean and sober since September 9, 2003 by the favor and grace of a merciful God and a 12-step program. On that day I was ordered to treatment by a very frustrated judge who had seen my face one time too many.  I weighed 75 pounds and near death.  Thankfully, I was delivered from a hopeless state of mind and body.  I regained a relationship with God that slowly recreated and restored every meaningful relationship in my life; most importantly, my relationship with my son, whom I left when he was 10 years old.  I now have 5 beautiful granddaughters that spend every weekend with their Dede and they have never seen me impaired.  I was lucky enough to live in a city that provided 12 step meetings daily.  Unfortunately, that is not always the case for people who live in rural areas and small towns.  I’m pretty sure I would have been dead in a short time if it hadn’t been for that empathetic judge who ordered me to treatment and later, 12-step meetings.


What can you do to make a difference?  It’s simple!  Take part in an exciting new mission that will partner our faith-based organizations with our recovering communities to bridge the gap and reduce the stigma association with the disease of addiction.   Everyone who suffers deserves the chance for a better life and you can help make that happen in your community.

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